Getting Started

The preferred way to deploy and develop on Concord is through the use of Docker, which should be all you need to get a deployment of Concord running locally.

Once you have Docker installed, checkout the Concord repository:

git clone

After that, from the Concord directory, run the build script for the Docker images:

cd concord

You’re now ready to launch Concord. Locally, docker-compose makes it very easy to setup a Concord cluster.


The following instructions setup Concord to use insecure (http) communication for simplicity and should not be used in production.

To launch a simple 4-node Concord cluster, launch the simple4.yml file:

docker-compose -f docker/compose/simple4.yml up

You should see some messages go by, indicating the cluster is starting up. Once the cluster is up, the next setup is to interact with it. Since this cluster comes with the ethRPC bridge, we can communciate with it using standard Ethereum tooling.

Truffle is a popular tool for developing and debugging Ethereum smart contracts. If you’re familar with Truffle (note that we only support Truffle 4.x at the moment) and have used it before, you can connect to the blockchain instance on your local machine at http://localhost:8545, which will connect to the first Concord node in your system.

Otherwise, the repository contains a docker image with Truffle pre-installed to deploy to the simple 4 node Concord instance you just created. To start the image and connect to the first Concord node, run:

docker exec -it compose_concord-truffle_1 bash
truffle console  --network ethrpc1

Now you can run a test transaction using Truffle. Type the following in the Truffle console:

var accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({from: accounts[0], to: accounts[1], value: web3.utils.toWei("0", "ether")})

You should get ouptut similar to:

blockHash: '0xb3bb6deed1446b30dcdaec50faf1b7fe40f8543bccb552743d4869cab5b50e63',
logsBloom: '0x00',
gasUsed: 10000000,
blockNumber: 6,
cumulativeGasUsed: 10000000,
contractAddress: null,
transactionIndex: 0,
from: '0x262c0d7ab5ffd4ede2199f6ea793f819e1abb019',
to: '0x5bb088f57365907b1840e45984cae028a82af934',
logs: [],
transactionHash: '0x9a6f2ae673da7454d66c74116183f680b0ea5d06e49f04bbcd312f0b362ac705',
status: true

This creates a transaction which takes 0 Ether from test account 0 and sends it to test account 1, and prints out the information of the resulting transaction. Congratulations, you’ve just executed your first Ethereum transaction on Concord!

From here, you can look into how to deploy Concord, read the tutorials on how to install and interact with smart contracts on Concord, or learn how to develop support for your own custom API on Concord.